Reliability & Security Features

Rating since 1983

TurboRater has been the leading comparative rating system for agencies since 1983. Currently, we serve more than 5,000 insurance agencies.

Guaranteed Uptime

Technology and innovation are core components of TurboRater. We employ a highly-skilled team of certified in-house technicians to ensure our systems are up and running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. We guarantee, in writing, 99% uptime.

User Permission Levels

The agency administrator can determine who can perform certain functions in TurboRater, including who can access reports and other location’s quotes, turn companies on or off, access company usernames or passwords, and more.

Store Usernames and Passwords for Carrier Websites

TurboRater can store and manage the user names and passwords for multiple carriers so you do not have to enter this information for each carrier every time you quote.

Track Usernames and Passwords for Location and/or User

If needed, TurboRater can track producer codes, usernames, and passwords for each location and/or user.

Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication is the standard in technology for mitigating security breaches by hackers. Major online companies like Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft and Google use two-factor authentication to lessen the impact of user identity theft.

When you enable two-factor authentication in TurboRater,  your users will be prompted to enter an additional one-time code when they log into TurboRater. Each user can decide to receive their unique verification code via text message, phone call or third-party app like Google Authenticator, Duo or Authy.

Agency administrators can configure the two-factor authentication settings by user. The administrator can also configure whether to remember the authentication on the computer after first login or to force the authentication every time.

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1415 Halsey Way, Suite 314 | Carrollton, TX 75007
Phone: (800) 383-3482