Rate Estimation API

Consumers are going online to research their car insurance. Offering your website visitors an easy rate estimate is a great way to initiate a relationship. Plus, it is easy to do.

With ITC’s Rate Estimation API, all you need is a ZIP code, and you can provide an estimated rate. For more accurate rates, you can add options for the number of cars and drivers; whether the prospect is currently insured; and if the prospect is married, owns a home, or has any tickets or accidents. Based upon trends and quotes within the industry, results include minimum, average, maximum rate, overall confidence, standard deviation and optional data points for curve calculations provided through a JSON or XML based RESTful service.

ITC’s design and marketing team can create online graphs, gauges or other visual tools using the Rate Estimation API. These tools are easy to use and further engage your prospect.

For more information on our Rate Estimation API, contact sales@getitc.com.

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